Linköping University
Spring 2025
University of Bayreuth
Humboldt University of Berlin
University of Mannheim
Saarland University
University of Bielefeld
Spring 2025
- Moral philosophy (on Melinda Robert's The Existence Puzzles: An Introduction to Population Ethics)
- Contemporary Research Issues in Ethics, Science, and Policy (on Louis Narens' and Brian Skyrms' The Pursuit of Happiness: Philosophical and Psychological Foundations of Utility)
- Moral philosophy (on Douglas Portmore's Opting for the Best: Oughts and Options)
- Business ethics
- Moral philosophy (on recent work on rule-consequentialism)
- Ethical Theory and Moral Practice
- Moral philosophy (on the "numbers count" debate)
- Business Ethics
- Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
University of Bayreuth
- Moral responsibility (MA level)
- Moral Error Theory and the "Now What" Problem (BA level)
- Secession (BA level)
- Introduction to Metaethics (BA level)
- Democracy and Future Generations (MA level)
- Rule-Consequentialism (BA level)
- Collective Duties (MA level)
- Introduction to Axiology (BA level)
- Actualism and Possibilism in Ethics (MA level)
- Political Philosophy I (Lectures)
- Exploitation (MA level)
- Equality, Priority, and Sufficiency (MA level)
- Consequentialism (BA level)
- The Limits of Democracy (BA level)
- The Non-Identity Problem (MA level)
Humboldt University of Berlin
- Elizabeth Anscombe on Practical Inference, Institutions, and Modern Moral Philosophy (BA level)
- Social Relations and Moral Duties (MA level)
- Problems of Population Ethics (MA level)
- God and Morality (BA level)
University of Mannheim
- The Ethics of Promising (MA level)
- Population Ethics (BA level)
- Decision Theory (BA level)
- Democracy (BA level)
- Introduction to Philosophy (lectures, taught together with Dr Helge Rückert)
- Robert Nozick: Anarchy, State, and Utopia (BA level)
- Introduction to the Philosophy of Law (BA level)
- ‘Ought’ Implies ‘Can’ – Doesn’t it? (BA level)
- Contemporary Texts on Collective Action (BA level)
- John Stuart Mill: Utilitarianism (BA level)
- Rule-Consequentialism (BA level)
- The Legitimacy of Legal Punishment (BA level)
- Peter Stemmer’s Contractualism (BA level)
Saarland University
- Utilitarianism as a Political Philosophy (BA level)
- Is There a God? (BA level)
- Hobbes: Leviathan (BA level)
- Criminal Law: General Principles (tutorial)
University of Bielefeld
- Utilitarianism (BA level)
- Philosophical Models of Politics (tutorial)
- Constitutional Law: the Structure of the State (three tutorials)
- Constitutional Law: Fundamental and Civil Rights (two tutorials)