List of Publications
- Andrić, Vuko: From Value to Rightness: Consequentialism, Action-Guidance, and the Perspective-Dependence of Moral Duties, New York and London: Routledge, 2021. Paperback: 2024.
- Andrić, Vuko & Bernward Gesang: Handbuch Utilitarismus, Stuttgart: Metzler, forthcoming.
- Andrić, Vuko: Is Rule Consequentialism Compatible with “Ought Implies Can”? The Journal of Philosophy, forthcoming.
- Andrić, Vuko & Anders Herlitz: Prioritarianism, Timeslices, and Prudential Value, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 100, pp. 595–604.
- Andrić, Vuko: Is the All-Subjected Principle Extensionally Adequate?, Res Publica 27, 2021, pp. 387–408. (Open Access)
- Andrić, Vuko: Consequentialism and Robust Goods, Utilitas 31 (3), 2019, pp. 334–342.
- Andrić, Vuko: Hedonism, Desirability and the Incompleteness Objection, Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 8 (2), 2019, pp. 101–109.
- Andrić, Vuko: How Do Affected Interests Support Global Democracy?, Journal of Global Ethics 13(3), 2017, pp. 264–278.
- Andrić, Vuko: Objective Consequentialism and the Rationales of ‘ “Ought” Implies “Can” ’, Ratio 30 (1), 2017, pp. 72–87.
- Andrić, Vuko & Attila Tanyi: God and Eternal Boredom, Religious Studies 53 (1), 2017, pp. 51–70.
- Andrić, Vuko & Attila Tanyi: Multi-Dimensional Consequentialism and Degrees of Rightness, Philosophical Studies 173 (3), 2016, pp. 711–731. (Open Access)
- Andrić, Vuko: Is Objective Consequentialism Compatible with the Principle That ‘Ought’ Implies ‘Can’?, Philosophia 44 (1), 2016, pp. 63–77. (Open Access)
- Andrić, Vuko & Attila Tanyi: Multi-Dimensional Consequentialism and Risk, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 19 (1), 2016, pp. 49–57. (Open Access)
- Andrić, Vuko: The Ramifications of Error Theories about the Deontic, Acta Analytica 30 (4), 2015, pp. 429–445. (Open Access)
- Andrić, Vuko & Joachim Wündisch: Is It Bad to Be Disabled? Adjudicating Between the Mere-Difference and the Bad-Difference Views of Disability, Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy 9 (3), 2015, pp. 1–16. (Open Access)
- Andrić, Vuko: Objective Consequentialism and the Licensing Dilemma, Philosophical Studies 162 (3), 2013, pp. 547–566.
- Andrić, Vuko: The Case of the Miners, Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy 7 (1), 2013, pp. 1–9. (Open Access)
- Andrić, Vuko: Eine Kritik an Norbert Hoersters Theorie der Normenvertretung, Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung 64 (1), 2010, pp. 62–83.
- Andrić, Vuko: Hobbesianische Theorien des Sozialvertrags, Aufklärung und Kritik 69, 2019, pp. 93–104.
- Andrić, Vuko: David Gauthiers kontraktualistische Moralbegründung, Aufklärung und Kritik 33, 2010, pp. 80–104.
- Andrić, Vuko: Objektiver und subjektiver Konsequentialismus, in: V. Andrić & B. Gesang (eds.), Handbuch Utilitarismus, Stuttgart: Metzler/Springer, forthcoming.
- Andrić, Vuko: Skalarer Konsequentialismus, in: V. Andrić & B. Gesang (eds.), Handbuch Utilitarismus, Stuttgart: Metzler/Springer, forthcoming.
- Andrić, Vuko Bernward Gesang: Warum ein Handbuch Utilitarismus?, in: V. Andrić & B. Gesang (eds.), Handbuch Utilitarismus, Stuttgart: Metzler/Springer, forthcoming.
- Schink, Philipp & Vuko Andrić : Utilitarismus und Sozialismus, in: V. Andrić & B. Gesang (eds.), Handbuch Utilitarismus, Stuttgart: Metzler/Springer, forthcoming.
- Andrić, Vuko: Can Groups Be Autonomous Rational Agents? – A Challenge to the List-Pettit Theory, in: A. Konzelmann-Ziv, H.-B. Schmid (eds.), Institutions, Emotions, and Group Agents – Contributions to Social Ontology, Dordrecht: Springer, 2014, pp. 343–353.
- Andrić, Vuko: Democratic Boundaries and Transient People, in: Martin Berzell (ed.), Filosofin i samhället – en skriftserie från avdelningen för Filosofi och Tillämpad. Linköping: Linköping University Eletronic Press. (Open Access)
- Andrić, Vuko: Soziale Medien und Demokratie, in: Frank Schulze (ed.), Humanistik und Philosophie 3: Jahresband der Humanistischen Akademie 2022. Aschaffenburg: Alibri, pp. 63–81.
- Andrić, Vuko & Martin Kerz: Ein Plädoyer für den Rechtsnormen-Konsequentialismus, in: B. Jakl, B. Brunhöber, A. Grieser, J. Ottmann, T. Wihl (eds.), Recht und Frieden – Wozu Recht? Stuttgart: Nomos, 2014, pp. 87–99.
- Andrić, Vuko: Rettungsfolter, Hilfspflichten und Schädigungen. (Long review of Meike Neuhaus: Ist Rettungsfolter erlaubt? Paderborn. Brill/mentis, 2023), Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie.
- Andrić, Vuko: Review of Ludvig Beckman: The Boundaries of Democracy -A Theory of Inclusion (London and New York: Routledge), Ethical Theory and Moral Practice (5), pp. 765–767.
- Andrić, Vuko: Iñigo González-Ricoy & Axel Gosseries (Eds.): Institutions for Future Generations (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016), Erkenntnis 84 (2), 2019, pp. 481–486.
- Andrić, Vuko: Benjamin Kiesewetter: The Normativity of Rationality (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017), Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 21 (5), 2018, pp. 1241–1243.
- Andrić, Vuko: How Might Collective Duties be Grounded in Individual Duties? In: Tim Campbell & Olle Torpman (eds.): The Ethics of Coordination and Climate Change – Preprint series Vol. 1, Stockholm: Elanders, pp. 11 – 23.
- Andrić, Vuko: The Boundary Problem and Platitudes About Democracy. A Conceptual Argument for the All-Subjected Principle, in: Paul Bowman (ed.) Studies on the Democratic Boundary – Institute for Futures Studies Working Papers 2022: 1–11, Stockholm: Elanders, pp. 47 – 68.
- Andrić, Vuko: Maximieren, Satisficing, Handlungsanleitung und “Sollen impliziert Können”: Antworten auf die Kommentare von Annette Dufner, Jörg Löschke, Dorothee Bleisch und Konstantin Weber, Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung 75 (4), 2021, pp. 595–598.
- Andrić, Vuko: Précis zu From Value to Rightness: Consequentialism, Action-Guidance, and the Perspective-Dependence of Moral Duties, Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung 75 (4), 2021, pp. 579–583.
- Andrić, Vuko: Fremdgehen und kollektive Verantwortung, – Swiss Portal For Philosophy, 2017. (Open Access)
- Andrić, Vuko: Gibt es Gott?, hpd – Humanistischer Pressedienst, 2009. (Open Access)