- Voluntariness & Cooperation: William Thompson’s Utilitarian Socialism (with Philipp Schink), Utilitarianism Debated/L’utilitarisme en débats, ENS de Lyon.
- Actualist Rule Consequentialism and Its Problems, Second International Workshop, Ethics of Coordination Project, University of Linköping.
- Actualist Rule Consequentialism and Its Problems, Second International Workshop, Ethics of Coordination Project, University of Helsinki.
- Rule-Consequentialism and Utopianism, Centre for Advanced Studies, PROFOUND project, Oslo.
- Prioritarianism and Discounting (with Anders Herlitz), Workshop, Institute for Futures Studies.
- Between Reactionism and Utopianism: How Progressive Should Rule Consequentialists Be? Workshop Ethics of Coordination, Stockholm.
- Rule-Consequentialism and “Ought Implies Can”, Higher Seminar, Stockholm University.
- Rule-Consequentialism and “Ought Implies Can”, Higher Seminar, Linköping University.
- Normative Theories and Action-Guidance, Research School Norms and Normativity.
- How could the collective obligations of unstructured groups be grounded in individual obligations?, Workshop Ethics of Coordination, Institute for Futures Studies.
- Does democracy require reducing the legislative power of present persons on behalf of future persons?, Philosophical Perspectives on Stability, Linköping University.
- Über John Stuart Mills Freiheitsprinzip, Gesellschaft für kritische Philosophie (GKPN), Nuremberg.
- Do subjective consequentialists have a problem with coordination?, Workshop Ethics of Coordination, Stockholm.
- Rule Consequentialism and Special Obligations, Normativity Colloquium, University of Zürich.
- Is Rule Consequentialism Compatible with “Ought Implies Can”?, Philosophical Colloquium, Universität Duisburg-Essen.
- From Rational to Moral Utilitarianism (with Attila Tanyi), University of Uppsala.
- Consequentialism and Incoherence, GAP 11, Humboldt University of Bremen.
- Demokratie und soziale Medien, Gesellschaft für kritische Philosophie (GKPN), Nuremberg.
- Prudential Prioritarianism and Intrapersonal Trade-Offs (with Anders Herlitz), WoW – Workshop on Welfare, Saarland University.
- Values and Vampires, Metaethics Reading Group, Tromsø.
- From Values to Norms: The Consequentialist Bridge, Workshop on Facts, Concepts, Norms and Values, University of Bucharest.
- Rule-Consequentialism and Special Obligations, Forschungskolloquium “Aktuelle Forschungsthemen der Praktischen Philosophie”, University of Munich.
- From Moral to Rational Utilitarianism (with Attila Tanyi), Norwegian Practical Philosophy Netwerg Conference, University of Bergen.
- Der Utilitarismus und das demokratietheoretische Abgrenzungsproblem, Heidelberg University.
- Der Utilitarismus und das demokratietheoretische Abgrenzungsproblem, Gesellschaft für Utilitarismusstudiesn - Mitgliederversammlung.
- Utilitarianism and the Democratic Boundary Problem, Research Center Normative Orders, Colloquium, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main.
- Against demos-centred solutions to the boundary problem, Institute for Futures Studies.
- New Ideas on Rule Consequentialist, Institute for Futures Studies.
- Der Regel-Konsequentialismus und das Prinzip “Sollen impliziert Können”, Lesekreis der Gesellschaft für Utilitarismusstudien.
- From Rational to Moral Utilitarianism (with Attila Tanyi), Second Norwegian Workshop in Metaethics.
- Does Democracy Require Reducing the Legislative Power of Present People on Behalf of Future People?, Global Priorities Institute, Oxford University.
- Does Democracy Require Reducing the Legislative Power of Present People on Behalf of Future People?, FS Philosophy Forum, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management.
- Does Democracy Require Reducing the Legislative Power of Present People on Behalf of Future People?, Workshop: Democracy and Future Generations, Institute for Futures Studies, Stockholm.
- Social Media and Democracy, PPE Seminar, Institute for Futures Studies, Stockholm.
- Prioritarianism and Distributions over Time (together with Anders Herlitz), PPE Seminar, Institute for Futures Studies, Stockholm.
- Summary of From Value to Rightness: A Study of Act-Consequentialism, book symposium Current Issues in Consequentialism, University of Erlangen–Nuremberg.
- The Democratic Ideal and Its Implications for the Boundary Problem, PPE Seminar, Institute for Futures Studies(Stockholm).
- Does Democracy Require Reducing the Legislative Power of Present People on Behalf of Future People?, Filosofiska Föreningen, Umeå University.
- Democracy, the Boundary Problem and the Ideal of Self-Government, Higher Seminar, Umeå University.
- A Platitudinous Solution to the Boundary Problem, RoME XII, University of Boulder, Colorado.
- Comment on Morality by Degrees: Reasons Without Demands by Alastair Norcross, author-meets-critics session at RoME XII, University of Boulder, Colorado.
- Is the All-Subjected Principle Extensionally Adequate? Workshop on the Democratic Boundary Problem, Institute for Futures Studies, Stockholm.
- Values and Vampires, Higher Seminar in Philosophy, Stockholm University.
- Democracy as Self-Government and the All-Affected Principle, PPE Seminar, Institute for Futures Studies, Stockholm.
- Comment on ‘Consequentialism and Moral Virtue’ by Robert J. Hartman, Higher Seminar in Philosophy, Stockholm University.
- A Novel Solution to the Boundary Problem, Workshop on the Democratic Boundary Problem, Institute for Futures Studies, Stockholm.
- Values and Vampires, Workshop on Error Theory, University of Luxembourg.
- Kommentar zu Webber und Möller über das Abwägen von Würde, 2. Sitzung Arbeitskreis Zurechnung, Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, Cologne.
- The Importance of Democracy on Utilitarianism, Conflicting Claims on Constituent Power: the People and the Constitution in Pluralistic Societies, Stockholm University.
- Thomas Hobbes’ Leviathan - Inhalt und Wirkung, Gesellschaft für kritische Philosophie Nürnberg (GKPN), Nuremberg.
- The Transience Dilemma of AAP and ASP, Institute for Futures Studies, Stockholm.
- A Defence of Hedonism Against the Incompleteness Objection, Academic Retreat in Limburg, organized by Leo Menges.
- Prioritarianism, Whole Lives and Life Periods, Workshop on Prioritarianism, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie.
- The Utilitarian Justification of Democracy, ISUS XV, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie.
- Some Reasons Why Philosophers Sympathetic to The Consequentialist Idea Should Not Accept Standard Consequentialism, Panel at ISUS XV on Moral Theory and the Consequentialism/Non-Consequentialism Distinction, convenor: Christian Seidel, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie.
- Legitimate Borders and Problems of Secession, Joint Bavarian-Russian Conference on Interdisciplinary Humanities and Social Sciences, Bayreuth University.
- Lässt sich der Akt-Konsequentialismus gegen Unrechtseinwände verteidigen? Eine Projekt-Skizze. Gesellschaft für Utilitarismusstudien, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie.
- The Identity of Agents and Deciders, Research Colloquium Practical Philosophy, Bielefeld University.
- Democratic Boundaries and the Identity of Agents and Deciders, Workshop in Practical Philosophy: Summer 2017, Saarland University.
- A New Solution to the Boundary Problem, Workshop für Politische Philosophie, organized by Fabian Wendt and David Schweikard, University of Flensburg.
- Workplace Democracy and the Boundary Problem, Workshop on Economic Democracy at Politicologenetmaal 2017, convenors: Gabriel Wollner and Nicholas Vrousalis, University of Leiden.
- The Dual-Source View of Role Obligations, Colloquium, Thomas Schmidt, Humboldt University of Berlin.
- Does Democracy Require the Institutional Representation of Future Generations?, Colloquium, Kirsten Meyer, Humboldt University of Berlin.
- The Problem of Self-Imposed Priming and Support, Workshop with Philip Pettit on The Robust Demands of the Good, Free University of Berlin.
- Collective Autonomy and the Boundaries of Democracy, Humboldt University of Berlin.
- Mills qualitativer Hedonismus und die Frage nach der optimalen Bevölkerungsgröße (Mill's Qualitative Hedonism and the Issue of the Optimal Population Size), University of Siegen.
- The Paradox of Supererogation Cannot be Resolved, Workshop: Supererogaton – Concept and Context, University of Basel.
- Future People and Strong and Weak Forms of Democratic Representation, MANCEPT 2015, University of Manchester.
- Sieben Probleme in Norbert Hoersters Moralbegründung (Seven Problems of Norbert Hoerster’s Moral Theory), Symposium zur Philosophie Hoersters, convenor: Oliver Hallich, University of Duisburg-Essen.
- Role Obligations and Social Norms, Workshop in Practical Philosophy: Summer 2015, Saarland University.
- Wen sollen demokratische Institutionen repräsentieren? Das Demos-Problem und zukünftige Generationen (Whom Should Democratic Institutions Represent? The Demos Problem and Future Generations), DAAD Stipendiatentreffen (Meeting for scholarship holders of the German Academic Exchange Service), University of Mannheim.
- Does Democracy Require the Representation of Future Generations?, Workshop in Practical Philosophy: Winter 2014/15, Saarland University.
- The Paradox of Supererogation Cannot Be Resolved, University of Belgrade.
- Demokratie und Ombudsleute für zukünftige Generationen”, Research and Study Centre “Dynamics of Change, University of Mannheim.
- Demokratie und gravierende Fehlentscheidungen, Tagung Praktische Philosophie, University of Salzburg.
- Competitive and Non-Competitive Theories of Supererogation, DKPhil XXIII, University of Münster.
- Public and Private Morality and the Standards of Praise and Blame, MANCEPT 2014, University of Manchester.
- Facets of Rightness and the Choice between Act- and Rule-Consequentialism, ISUS XIII, Yokohama National University.
- Facets of Rightness and the Choice between Competing Moral Theories, Understanding Value III, University of Sheffield.
- Subjectivism and ‘Ought’ Implies ‘Can’, Workshop in Practical Philosophy: Summer 2014, Saarland University.
- God and Eternal Boredom, Religious Studies at 50, University of Leeds.
- Mehr Gemeinwohl durch institutionelle Reformen?, Hochschultage Nachhaltigkeit, University of Heidelberg.
- Begründungen für nachhaltige Institutionen, Workshop of the Research and Study Centre Dynamics of Change, University of Mannheim.
- Multi-Dimensional Consequentialism and Risk, Workshop The Dimensions of Consequentialism, University of Konstanz.
- The Grounds of Role Obligations, Academic Retreat on Reichenau Island, convenor: Attila Tanyi, University of Konstanz.
- A Collectivist Account of Role Obligations, MANCEPT 2013, University of Manchester.
- Konsens-Nonsens – Warum Zustimmung für politische Legitimität nicht maßgeblich ist, Workshop: Moralbegründung und Politische Philosophie, convenors: Walter Pfannkuche and Jens Schnitker, University of Kassel.
- Konsens-Nonsens – Warum Zustimmung für politische Legitimität nicht maßgeblich ist, University of Bielefeld.
- Ramifications of Error Theories about the Deontic, Workshop in Practical Philosophy: Summer 2013, Saarland University.
- The Moral Relevance of Inculpable Ignorance, Konstanz-Zürich Colloquium, University of Konstanz.
- Duty-Free Consequentialism, Colloquium, Thomas Schmidt, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
- Objective Consequentialism and Ignorance-Induced Inability, Colloquium, Gottfried Seebaß, University of Konstanz.
- Duty-Free Consequentialism, Colloquium, Peter Stemmer, University of Konstanz.
- Objective Consequentialism and Ignorance-Induced Inability, Academic Retreat on Reichenau Island, convenor: Attila Tanyi, University of Konstanz.
- A New Perspective on Perspective-Dependence, Workshop in Practical Philosophy: Autumn 2012, Saarland University.
- A New Argument for Subjective Consequentialism, GAP 8, University of Konstanz.
- Die konsequentialistische Begründung von juridischen Rechten (The Consequentialist Justification of Legal Norms, with Martin Kerz), 19th Conference of the Young Forum for Philosophy of Law (JFR), University of Münster.
- The Objective Consequentialist vs. Karpov, ISUS XII, New York University. 06/2012
- In Defence of the Medical Model of Disability, Applied Ethics Discussion Group, convenor: Julian Savulescu, University of Oxford.
- Consequentialism and Action-Guidance, Workshop in Practical Philosophy: Summer 2012, Saarland University.
- Between Boredom and Ignorance – On the Problems of an Omnitemporal Deity (with Attila Tanyi), 2nd Glasgow Philosophy of Religion Seminar, University of Glasgow.
- A Case for Scalar Consequentialism, Graduate Seminar in Practical Philosophy, convenor: Torbjörn Tännsjö, University of Stockholm.
- A Case for Scalar Consequentialism, Higher Seminar in Practical Philosophy, convenor: Erik Carlson, University of Uppsala.
- Subjective Consequentialism and Commonsense Morality, Ockham Society, University of Oxford.
- A Case for Scalar Consequentialism, Workshop in Practical Philosophy: Winter 2011/12, Saarland University.
- Objective Consequentialism and the Principle That ‘Ought’ Implies ‘Can’, academic retreat on Reichenau Island, convenor: Attila Tanyi, University of Konstanz.
- Können Gruppen rationale Akteure sein? (Can Groups be Rational Agents?), Spring School Realität und Bedeutung kollektiver Absichtlichkeit – philosophische und rechtliche Aspekte, University of Konstanz.
- Is Act-Consequentialism Collectively Self-Defeating?, Workshop in Practical Philosophy: Autumn 2010, Saarland University.
- Is Act-Consequentialism Collectively Self-Defeating?, Oberseminar Probleme der Angewandten Ethik, convenor: Bernward Gesang, University of Mannheim.
- Corporations as Instruments, International Conference on Collective Intentionality VII, University of Basel.
- Jill and the Case for Subjective Consequentialism, Workshop in Practical Philosophy: Summer 2010, Saarland University.
- Jill and the Licensing Dilemma, Oberseminar Probleme der Angewandten Ethik, convenor: Bernward Gesang, University of Mannheim.
- Humaner Utilitarismus und externe Präferenzen (Humanistic Utilitarianism and External Preferences), Workshop in Practical Philosophy: Winter 2009/10, Saarland University.
- Jacks Besuch der Kathedrale: Warum der Motiv-Utilitarismus scheitert (Jack’s Visit of the Cathedral – Why Motive- Utilitarianism Fails), GAP 7, University of Bremen.
- Jacks Besuch der Kathedrale: Warum der Motiv-Utilitarismus scheitert, Workshop in Practical Philosophy: Summer 2009, Saarland University.
- Eine Kritik an Norbert Hoersters Theorie der Normenvertretung, Workshop in Practical Philosophy: Spring 2009, Saarland University.
- Was ist Utilitarismus? (What is Utilitarianism?), Freundeskreis der Giordano Bruno Stiftung in Ostwestfalen, Bielefeld.